17 Corporate Plaza Drive #200
Newport Beach, CA 92660

How Much Does a Bathroom Remodel Cost in Orange County, CA?

If you’re a homeowner in Orange County or Newport Beach CA and you’re considering getting started on a bathroom remodeling project, one of the top questions on your mind is likely, “How much does a bathroom remodel cost?” You probably already know that the answer is never cut and dry in the homebuilding and remodeling industry. That said, there are national and regional data available to help homeowners like you get a general sense of average cost ranges for common remodeling projects in your area.

According to Remodeling’s latest Cost vs. Value guide, here are the typical price ranges for bathroom remodeling projects in 2019 for the Orange County, California region:

  • Bath Remodel –
    Midrange: $23,242 – $25,987
  • Bath Remodel –
    Upscale: $71, 710 – $76,973
  • Bath Remodel –
    Universal Design: $36,640 – $40,143
  • Bathroom Addition –
    Midrange: $54,660 – $59,256
  • Bathroom Addition –
    Upscale: $98,579 – $106,619

Of course, while this data can help provide a very general picture of what to expect price-wise for different types of bathroom makeovers and additions, it’s tough to know just how much your specific project will cost until we know more details about your project goals and parameters. However, it’s important and reassuring to note that overall, the total cost of home renovation projects tends to be much less when using the design-build approach instead of the traditional system of two separate phases and contracts (i.e., first design, and then build vs. design-build). In fact, a recent design-build study shows that design-build projects are delivered faster and with greater reliability in cost and schedule performance than other project delivery systems.

[Related post: 4 Myths About Design-Build Projects, De-Bunked!]

Remodeling a House, Creating a Home eBook

Orange County Design-Build Remodeling

If you’ve decided to work with a design-build contractor on your home build or remodel project, it’s time to get started with your search and selection of an Orange County Design-Build Contractor. There are many factors to consider when choosing a design-build contractor for your remodel project, and we hope you’ll include Chris Riggins Construction in your search process—you won’t be disappointed!

Why Hire Chris Riggins Construction?

Chris Riggins Construction is a family operated OC remodeling contractor. Orange County is and has long been our home and we have deep roots here. We are experts in—and are absolutely passionate about—residential design-build. Our design-build process is a tried and true progression of three main phases: the planning and design phase (including an initial complimentary consultation to discuss your project and develop a plan to stay on schedule and on budget), the construction phase, and the post-construction phase.

No matter what your specific design-build goals, we’ll put our passion and experience to work for you. But don’t just take our word for it—check out our customer reviews and view past projects in our portfolio.

If you’re ready to start your home remodeling or building process, or would like to schedule a free consultation, contact us today –we are happy to help you on your journey to the home of your dreams in beautiful Orange County, CA.